Monday, August 9, 2010

How Long Can A Gastritis Attack Last


Yesterday I saddled one of the bandits a new nickname: Little Fire. So far I have adequate
Fiammettina (?), Flame, Flame, Mozzarella, Metta, Motta, Phlegm, Flaffy, Fiaffly, Little Flame, Flamma Parva, Parva Ignis and so on ... Little Fire now. Sounds much like "shotfirers" ° __ °

Today I presented a new role-playing game: it is called the Land of Envor. Bodes well because there are so many races and the graphics are good. I just have to hope to live up to a nice post card, those with frame and Background · ° "I am not good with html.
For now, though I still can not to the board because the section where you explain how you are protected and do not let me in until they find out that I put a banner in the signature. I've put the banner, and also a link in more with those of other forums where they are registered! What else do they want? EAR
Anyway, these days I came back the urge to register. I want to write something new, and the beginnings of stories that I save on my PC is not enough for me anymore. I have to finish the fiction that I started on EFP, then I can not dedicate myself to my writing career. Sigh ...
The best part of a fantasy invented the name. This is probably why I do not base myself almost never on the real world: there are already so many rules to follow and learn to write about something, and I know too little, creating a whole new world, however, can distract me as seems to create me and my rules. I will leave the reality to a part of my life when I'll know more.

want to go to Morocco. __.



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