Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Polaris Razor For Sale


S. I pass over his shoulder.

I'm recording a passport.

I broke the balls, he whispers bending.

I also , the answer while the hourglass of my pc save data

Not today, if it specifies how to make it clear the situation

Neither do I mean today.

S. resumes in hand.

We understood.


The dawns of the past to discuss musical concepts, Satan, gurus, life, miracles and death.

The cold, rain, salt, water up to the knees, the chaos, the incazzature, stress.

A night to smoke cigars on board a ship just opened on the twelfth bridge and a terrible confession: I suffer from vertigo .

him, not me.

" otherwise I would not look out a little 'difficult first pulled it out and explain it to the second big boss. "

" I move up? "

" not say stupid things, I'm not superman. I'll pretend to not see you after dinner. I'll find an excuse ... "

" Then you will tell the big boss "

" Nor, I've never known . "

on that later, I and S. of what today we we have just mentioned.

I received three letters. A

by my insurance, I love it.

I write four times a year.

Due to remind me that I pay, another two to send me the report of my "classification."

The other two but he sent me the drive.

months ago I had a change of residence.

I never received any communication from the new town, but now I learned that these things become official for me when I have a pink label, the new press, attack on the D side of the license.

If you are wondering what is the D side, is the last page of the folding of paper licenses.

Yes, I have a monument on paper. Now they know where home


The second letter, again the engine comes to keeping my log book, which for me is a copy, as I recall, the previous owner lost the car.

short, the seller told me the story, but tonight I do not remember.

The previous owner had a sedentary mileage worthy of a snail.

I was touched to make the dignity of self inaugurated in a port environment welcomed by continuous changes in night due to enlargement of the port activities. Tomorrow my

embark, I can not say on whose ship, professional confidentiality.

have been reserved a suite.

I spent hours trying to explain how to navigate the jungle that await them.

I await the long nights when I'll be at home just me and the cat.

I can not say the thing that scares me.

I had never even worried, before.

Now I do not think I really want to stay with no presence, more or less boring that can be considered.

may also be useful, in some point of view, to remain in absolute silence, that goes wrong will light a candle, and do not know what else to do it.

I think I may as Lawrence ...

Lawrence is a young, good-intentioned, good family, work, work, work, work ...

Go to bed early and he wakes up the rooster. I miss

Lawrie, I admit.

no coincidence that the dream he and Alain, once one and then another.

level playing field, I think I can call it that. Maybe I understand why I keep

Alain to dream, not because he is a former pimp blissfully wrapped in his world, but for its new "being" nobilastro which was not used.

Alain is in search of his balance, or at least I have felt that way.

The balance makes me lost family and sought, in various forms and aspects and in a dream is a real landmark.

Alain and his calm manner, with his French bastard and its inadequacy.

I found a brother of "blood" and then in a sense is my brother, because I got a sister and another brother ... I miss my brother .
Then I will explain the matter, have faith.

Lawrence is the man of control. Check all, working, studying, there is nothing that has not taken into account, over which he has thought deeply and only and only then, work for what it considers "appropriate and necessary." Respects his superiors, his colleagues and miraculously manages everything. Course is so wonderfully that the whole set makes humble despite successes. Lawrence is the man that goes a step ahead and if it finds another.

could also be on a sliding scale, but it would make a difference.

might consider together in my inner space, a nice syncretism.

are already almost nine o'clock, Lawrence who dwells in me makes me dwell on the abusive passage of time, reminds me that I have yet to fix the uniform for tomorrow and put me in front of the Volume on van Gogh that I should be studying . I have no choice.

will execute his orders, tomorrow I will also have to wake up the rooster.


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