Saturday, October 30, 2010

Verbiage For Performance Reviews


The most interesting part of when writing a journal is to choose the title. In theory you should take a word or a concept that is consistent with the contents of the entry, but I usually do more or less randomly. Today I wrote because Halloween happens to be today, tomorrow and certainly will not write anything, so long as tantovale use the title will have a modicum of sense.

Today I was thinking about religion. What religion am I?
I was baptized as a child, I went to confession, I had my first communion, have been confirmed ... I followed most of the catechism classes and more or less I have managed to do a rough idea what it means to be Christian. But what does this mean exactly?
I may not be Christian. I could be Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Islamic, Shinto, Confucian, Taoist or perhaps animist. I do not know anything about these beliefs.
I could believe in monotheism or polytheism or pantheism. How do I know? I do not know what it means. I do not know if I could never believe in other religions if you were not born Italian (or in this family), because I can not change what they are.

Every time I come to think that man has created voluntarily by many intricate ways to complicate your life. In the world there are many religions and should be part of one of them, or create their own teaching and hope to gather enough believers that it can make it valid. One must be able to work with the philosophy and understand perfectly all the existing religious movements, and then choose the most credible according to its own humble opinion or decide to blow it to hell and be atheists or agnostics.

I can say I want to believe in something superhumanly above, except that I do not know exactly what it is. So for now I consider myself agnostic who has received baptism, Communion and Confirmation ... I feel a little 'a criminal.

Speaking of Halloween, the costumes are ideal for me as a ghost, zombie or bat. No wolves, no werewolves, no witches. We honor to the spirits, the decomposing bodies and the only flying mammals.


Fishing Spoons, Walmart

Sorry. There was an error when the requested operation. Serita

--- [No Image] ---

I cheered the day watching "The Pianist" by Polansky.

Everyone does what he can to torture.

I worked almost all day, apart from a discussion of "historical" interrupted by technical conditions. My phone company decided to cut off funds.

Not only do I deliver the services paid for, but even when I pay for my desire final resolution of the problem, the telephone company said I owed credits.

I try to check my bank account and you can not access because the bank is conducting mergers, and will resume services on November 1.

No, I am not pessimistic, I just **** a lot and you, my dear great lords, you know what so I will not specify.

I take it as a sign of "destiny" or as a boring failure?

do not have time to decide which of the two options may be better philosophy, I arrange a private group for tomorrow.

I will kindly pass the "extreme situations".

All with a simple phone call ...

Hello, you pass the number of Mrs XXX, granted, for tomorrow.

Eight phone calls because that Ms. XXX had to change, time, number of visitors and the shoes in relation to the works of Van Gogh
Executed at the end of the chick was also so nice to call me six times.
Six out of eight is a good average. Eight
conversation with a stranger is a good average, so if I continue the next Once I even confess their sins.
At that point I'll have to direct them to someone more competent, or will require a salary from the Holy See.

Oh, I'll write tomorrow I will have several hours by train. I have learned to exploit them in a "modern" PCs and film in English.

not me who used the time is the time that takes advantage of me ... Lawro

I dreamed a strange look, maybe I can bring the dream into a few lines of characters blacks on white background. Interested? Are you curious? Fatevela go because everything is very confused in my mind, more or less as is the rest of my life and my work ...
you like it? I know ...

Sorry. There was an error when the requested operation. What

stracazzo error occurs? Tell me!
E 'kafiano, there is an error which I do not know, I do not know how to fix it, I can not handle it.

Friday, October 29, 2010

What Should I Write On My Dog's Grave

Peace & Love

This morning I woke up at 6:27, I ate of Rice Crispies in the cold milk, I wash, I put some clothes in case and went to school. I took the bus that goes around longer and come directly to high school, so I have not had to move from the seat and I had time to listen to a song more, I took the bus back to the thirty seats and are returned home earlier than usual. At school today, there was no English and spent time in the pit with the class library to do little or nothing, plus I paid to my partner to counter some manga to read. Peaceful day.
E 'shocking the way my life after having been rejected, has become quiet. First he was a constant stress of parents and school that I did not understand, but after that first September trip to Venice was as if a storm had subsided. Before I did not see a way or in no particular order, but now all eyes on which I put in its place, and I can not but realize that it could not be otherwise. I made peace with the environment in which I live without it being changed nothing decisive, and this is very important to me.

As I said, however, has not changed nothing but this strange mental order. I can think of new ideas for new stories in a spontaneous and uncontrollable, my grades are better than last year, I even found someone who shares virtually all of my passions (should only be converted to Vocaloid, but you can not have everything) ... but I do not know why, but I feel a sense of discomfort.

not that kind of discomfort that makes you want to break everything and throw out all the guts: that is a reaction that would require too much energy ... and I just do not have energy, not to spend so. It 's more a feeling of slight tightness in the chest and annoying together, as if his heart had locked. Not in a ring of barbed wire, not in a cage, not in a cube of titanium, but in a cardboard box with a pretty bow on it. Something light light: I could take away the hassle by simply opening the cover, but I can not. We arrive at that cover. It 'frustrating and annoying, although it is good.

It 's time to finally ask myself, as a good writer and passionate reader of romance: when it happens to me?
I have always been used to start in underestimate my appearance, my personality, my intelligence and everything that I have appointed about myself. Comrades class began to make fun of in grade school because I get distracted very easily, after having spent the means to try to beat highly of what others think about me, I got to high school without knowing how to deal with complex I accumulated. Some days I look in the mirror and see myself as beautiful, other times I look again and I feel like a monster.

All I want is to reach that person who will open the lid. Or that the burn, or dissolve it, or that it destroyed ... no matter how, no matter who it is exactly. Only one person can do it, and it is the same one that succeeds in for each of us.
pity for me that will never arrive. I was not born for this, is not what I expect. I will stay alone and without that kind of love, as it should be, why am I choose to be myself, not listen to my telling me to wear fashionable clothes and makeup for the face look more ; pretty. I just did not bend my head, only to be a little something simple and almost odorless. Who takes the clover flower blossomed into a rose garden? No one, absolutely no one.


Lester Motorcycle Wheels

"Inside the Last Supper: the thirteenth witness"

Vigevano Castle

from 30 October 2010 to 1 May 2011

With the exhibition "The Thirteenth witness" the da Vinci masterpiece will be the focus of unprecedented media reading

From 30 October 2010 to 1 May 2011, the stables of the ducal castle of Vigevano, a path will be set up which, thanks to sophisticated interactive and digital, will offer visitors an innovative reinterpretation of the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, giving him the role of spectator privileged - almost beside the twelve apostles - the discovery of the multiple meanings that this holds , hence the title of the exhibition: INSIDE THE LAST SUPPER: THE THIRTEENTH WITNESS.

The visit will provide an opportunity to choose between three different levels:

1. film, where you will view information and multimedia content according to a scheme set up as a story;

2. interactive, where the visitor will structure their own path of discovery and understanding of the masterpiece by drawing on their own to the various possibilities of depth; the

3. active and participatory, where you have the ability to collect and share images and details of the route through a database that will be enriched with the contribution of people.

The central sections will be characterized by a particular arrangement: a set suitable for reading, analyze and experience first hand aspects of the implementation of the Last Supper.

Each of these sets will consist of tools such as a projection surface on which a film flow, a table to store the depth consultation, a collector, capable of capturing images and details of the total film, to bring them on table archive where you can watch them and rework them.

Hours: Monday to Sunday from 09.30 to 18.30. Tuesday 9:30 to 14:00

The ticket office closes one hour before

Admission: € 8, reduced € 6.50, € special schools 3;

Catalog Electa


Information and guided tours: 02 43353522 as real as diverse in their variety. The selection of works highlights how attention should be placed in the interpretation, the challenge in what is expressed or left unspoken.

and in the wake of the '60s - a crucial decade, during which customs and socio-political ideals were criticized, challenged and permanently deleted - which is inscribed the style of the disturbing images / disquieting images in the exhibition, largely attributable the period from the 70s to today. They are images that come from all parts of the world, from Iraq to Texas, from Japan to Vietnam from Africa to Haiti, from Rwanda to Afghanistan, and cover the city as the small towns, as San Francisco, New York, Palermo, London, Provincetown, Emeryville or Seattle. They talk about subjects that are eroding the boundaries of imagination, because it close to a social universe that is latent and it is threatening violence on women, the distortion of eco-friendly, animal abuse, human obsessions, victims of war and family. Disquieting, worrying is a term ductile, easily circumscribed. Can you describe an event or object, or experience may be the same object or event. It can be a deeply personal response or evoked by the other: it is the work or the condition to be disturbing, or is the answer given by others to give this reading? The primary concern is a reaction, and at the same time, fueled by a shared suspicion and discomfort. It's both: it is shapeless, yet visceral, not an opinion, and however deeply felt, a calm interrupted, a deafening silence, something inescapable yet threatening, frightening, disgusting ...
In collaboration with the curators, the photographers have implemented, with varying degrees of narrative, a selection of images and projects that are - as witness or metaphorically - the concepts of community, gender, diversity, children, environment and conflict : the nature of 'human being as the human being and nature.

Through the selection of works on display, disturbing images / enucleates disquieting images of "ecosystems" ruthless and upset because it upset the order of things known, so as to create a new kind of reality. And at the same time appear as instances, events, experiences relived one o'clock as opposed to another, one twisted the other pictures that pose more questions rather than answers, which irritate the subjects depicted in deep decline - and the same word "concern" - in a personal way according to the sensitivity of the individual photographers.

Artists exhibited: Julio César Aguilar

Fuentes, Diane Arbus, Letizia Battaglia, Nina Berman, Elena Dorfman, Donna Ferrato, Nan Goldin, Philip Jones Griffiths, Pieter Hugo, Alfredo Jaar, Kohei Yoshiyuki, Sally Mann, Robert Mapplethorpe, Mary Ellen Mark, Richard Misrach, James Nachtwey, Michael Nichols, Paolo Pellegrin, Gilles Peress, Eugene Richards, Lise Sarfati, Stephanie Sinclair, Brian Weil, Zalmaï.

Per il contenuto delle Immagini La Mostra è vietata ai Minori di 14 anni e Rivolta a un pubblico Adulto

Immagini inquietanti / disquieting images

Triennale di Milano
19 ottobre 2010-9 gennaio 2011
a cura di Germano Celant e Melissa Harris

Ingresso 8.00 / 6.50 / 5.50
Catalogo Skira
Tuesday-Sunday 10:30 to 20:30 10:30 to 23:00 Thursday and Friday

Triennale di Milano Viale
Alemagna, 6
tel. 02 724341 02 89010693 fax

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Become A Deception Expert


The phone rings.

Too far.

I wake up in sweat pants and white.

I try to rearrange ideas. The times are not one in which the office can call, the time is not one in which the urgent needs can occur, or perhaps yes, but I might as well ignore them.

It 's that moment when the unbelievable takes shape: he's my lawyer looking for me.

The second call, if my mind remembers well in eight years.

The first, a few years ago, was to "remember" that I had to appear in court.

" Where are you? I'm coming "

'I'm inside "

" you like some coffee? Do not talk with anyone, and if you see the other (the party's lawyer) ignore "

" already had a coffee. I'll wait. "

" Yes, but do not be frightened. "

By whom? From what?

What else would scare me? The court from behind the door?
All events were quite enlightening.

If you expect something, my dear bipeds on earth, be ready at the event otherwise.

No, not pessimism (or optimism) is experience.

In fact, the encounter with the other lawyer was there and tried to appeal to my morale.

had miscalculated and was a victim of its own game.

Experience, in this case, no.

I get up, take the shirt of the closet, looking jeans, I put on a sweater.

All with the enthusiasm typical of a person sentenced to death.

say that my mood is not shining particularly in these days, but let you in mind, as represented in the outside world, is useless.

I feel as if something inside me had been rebuilt in an environment that does not fit.

a continuous confrontation and my mind fencing. I lose myself in other mazes.

I know what all this for me. There's already been.

Dream dissolution and forces me to be present. A contradiction in a sense, but my rationality stakes stronger.

" Do you have a good control"

That 's what all this has always made me shrink. I know. One of these days imbraccerò the printer and the crash in someone's head. A coincidence, nothing personal.

Therefore, kidding, last night I said to S., harking back to old speeches, in that case I would have killed me, not a flying bullet fired in a country in civil war semi unrecognized but effective.

a Monday morning. On Monday
has a symbolic meaning, but you will understand the time and I do not want to hurry.

I was then told that I should also say a blow to my temple.

In that case I should leave a note to the lawyer ... Do not call me.

The rest is manifested in the world of work.

The show went well, considering that the author and do not like that I had never set foot in the exhibition space. I wonder what kind of animal I am. I do not know how other defines and then justify my rabbit of the hat, remembering that ultimately the spirit of Johan dick (twisted little creature in my mind) has to come from somewhere.

So my group at the end would not go away. The service is over, go in peace.

Positively speaking I have received some attention, in other cases still will be wondering what I said and why they lost time. In both cases I bisser soon.

several nights I dream Damien. Damien is half boy who could describe a thousand words and none. It is not my thing. Damien is a creature of the late nineteenth century the result of a modern mind, the mind of S., but it's also the kind of creation that lives its own life beyond all expectations.

Dream Damien, rain and an umbrella.

Dream Damien and I find it hard to strip, which is a contradiction if we assume that this invented soul could also strip the panty Christ by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel.

other side instead I got to meet a dream starring Pearce and another man, forced to do a threesome with those if the sleeping blissfully.

(Notice of service, from tomorrow I'll call you twice.)

"Jonathan Damien Cavendish.

Jonathan Cavendish, officially.

Damien Cavendish, unofficially.

Damien, the leader of the popular leaders.

Damien, blue eyes so limpid to remember for those who had seen them, the deep seas of the Caribbean.

's face drawn by a forgotten artist of the Italian Renaissance, a nose too English to have doubts about paternity. Long, thin hands, as was all his slender figure.

So much to remember the "shadows", sculptures whose bodies are stretched as they are the shadows at sunset.

Damien was a shadow.

Damien was the shadow of Jonathan Cavendish, and everything that his father had desired for him.

Damien Jonathan Cavendish, Bon Ton which was known and appreciated throughout London.

His style and his acumen gave rise to legends, its constant association with a Dutch captain and owner had made him a mythological character.

Damien Cavendish wore this cloak of myth with the same nonchalance with which the Queen of England wore his crown. "

Homage to you Damien, for some reason my subconscious represents you.

Oh, and (if true seem to write it and I repeat) Pearce is another imaginary fruit of paradise.
does not belong to my family tree, but it is quite shameful to pretend to be the apple of the matter.
Do not believe Apple are never set.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Customized Sweatpants

disturbing images / images disquieting

From 21/10/2010 to 23-10-2010 in Rome, the city of Rome (RM)
IED in Rome, the second edition of magazine dedicated to visual

It This is a festival that hosts over 150 different magazine titles, titles of publishers and webzines for a total of about 1,000 volumes. A journey in the proliferation of visual and tactile world of visual magazines and other publishing trend, a niche that is striking because, dramatically, in contrast with the announced end of the printed word.
Among the most interesting events, the conference "A RE-DESIGN MAGAZINE. How do I renew the image of the magazines, "a reflection on the creative and conceptual with a publishing project, which involves the creative directors of the most interesting Italian magazines. Among the prominent art director Francesco Franchi young talents of Italian design and editorial director of Art IL, supplement of Il Sole 24 Ore, Gianni Mascolo, Art Director of XL, the monthly Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso, David Moretti, the art director of Wired, monthly published by Condé Nast, Jeremy Leslie and Mike Koedinger, creators of Colophon, an international festival dedicated to publishing independent, which takes place in Luxembourg. is also provided a chance for reflection dedicated to pop. This will be discussed in "Art Toys Story" with David Vecchione. Mike Koedinger in the final day, an expert in popular magazines and independent publisher, will give a keynote "UNFORGOTTABLE: 10 key magazine published in the last 10 years."

The event is also linked to education. In the classroom, the IED will be the protagonists of Visual Arts students, especially those who follow the triennial of photography and graphic design and illustration, involved in a series of workshops looked after by editors of the English and German Belio Vorno. The result will be creation of a "special issue" devoted.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Egg White Cervical Mucus Right Before Period

BELVEDERE, International Festival of Creative Publishing

The exhibition is staged to coincide with the 527th Agricultural Fair in October (a centuries-old event!) And the subsequent food and wine review "Abbiategusto" (at its eleventh edition). So, two months of culture food in a city that boasts a privileged relationship with food, rising in a land so rich in crops and livestock Graf Institute in Bologna and the Cultural Association Focus on the World Abbiategrasso , curators of the exhibition, have been proposed to introduce the many different approaches food from all cultures and all peoples of the world, from ancient to modern times. Four sections of the exhibition, each of which will be exhibited "in parallel" remains linked to the same theme but from different cultural areas (for example, show cups for libations to the gods greek and Roman, Inca, Mayan, Hindu , Christian, Jewish, Muslim).
"The purpose of the exhibition - explains the scientific director, Giordano Berti -, is to emphasize the universal value of food not only as a source of livelihood but also as an agent of socialization and strengthening of relations Family, political and religious. In this sense, aesthetics plays a very important role as the object expresses symbolic meanings and values that go far beyond the use value. "
In short, the food is closely tied to the art world. The exhibition in fact offers a selection of beautiful artifacts. Among the jewels on display there are two Egyptian figurines, a wheat grinder and a brewer provided by the National Archaeological Museum in Florence, together with other Egyptian, Etruscan, Greek and Roman. Just as inviting the symposium scene painted on a large amphora of the Greek Archaeological Museum of Bologna, as well as some "gifts for the dead "from the prehistoric times. From Ala-Ponzone Museum of Cremona, a wonderful oinochoe, for wine amphora of the fourth century. BC, configured with a female head, and other artifacts of Magna Graecia equally valuable. From the International Ceramics Museum of Faenza majolica of the eighteenth century: a coffee, meat and fish trays, bowls and plates, including a plate full of succulent fruits ... also tiled. In terms of painting exposure consideverole offers a number of valuable paintings from Museums in Brescia a couple of amazing paintings arcimboldesche, the Allegory of Summer and Autumn, by Antonio Rasio. The Foundation-Morando Bolognini di Sant'Angelo Lodi has given an important sixteenth-century painting of the school of Vincenzo Campi depicting a scene in the kitchen. From the Museums of Cremona come another wonderful scene kitchen splashback Felice Boselli and a delicate crystal flowers with fruits and Fede Galizia. The Pinacoteca Comunale di Faenza two jewels seventeenth century: a spectacular rustic nature posing with fruits and vegetables of the Neapolitan Giovanni Battista Ruoppolo and a table prepared by Carlo Magini; seem so meticulous photographs. We are talking only of the most significant, because in reality the exhibition at the Castello Visconti Abbiategrasso is much wider and varied, including a rich selection of archaeological and ethnographic ranging from pre-Columbian cultures to those in Africa, the Indian civilization to the Chinese and Japanese, both from major Italian museums and institutions, both from private collections.

Start Date: October 9, 2010
Ending Date: November 28, 2010
Tickets: Free
Location: Abbiategrasso, underground halls of the Visconti Castle
Hours: Mart :16.00-19 .00-Fri, Sat and holidays :10.00-12 .00 , 15.00-19.00
Phone: 02 94692458
E-mail:, istituto.graf
@ Website:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

460668 Manhatan Treiber



I had in mind a few things that I could write but I've forgotten.

not you ever?

happens to me often, lately, not the order of the last days, but in the last year and a half.

I should leave by the deadline "Lately" and note that it is a situation that occurs often but should not become chronic.

begin to understand some mechanisms which are triggered in me.

pity that he's discovered by studying Van Gogh

No, do not put yourself in the head strange ideas, I'm not an artistic genius psychotic.

I speak of the narcissistic process of knowledge-that in my part must have suffered some decline.

It 's my theory of course, but I'm exploring my depth and probably not the best caving in existence.

I have to go knock on the door of my monsters, and well, you know yours?

They say the devil is never as bad as it represents ... and were it not true?

In place of the devil can I get a Loa?

And if instead of the devil or Loa find a public office? I'll never stop.

In my preliminary interview me in the doctor noted "a strong rationality and a strong self-control."

Because what I should do? throw me on the floor? At that point I would need an exorcist.

Again, do not worry, I know one.

I'm in a sort of prison. I can feel

Decoding the world the wrong way.

Everything passes through a filter that corrupts.

Let me give an example. Imagine watching a scene, look up and take notice of what's there. Hills, trees, mountains, whatever.

look down and you find yourself in the hands of the image of what you have just seen.

That image is not what you have just seen. The colors, elements, shapes, contours.

The world is not as sharp, but through what has become corrupted form that your will be poured.

For "corruption" does not mean a bad thing, but as "alteration."

positive or negative. Equally

my moods slip through the bliss of the Alpha-man, the nullification of the last bohemian existence.

I know what it is, because I've already seen.

few years ago I read that some diseases could be considered "hereditary" or better, the presence of these within the family made some people more susceptible than others. I wish you all it was just an article on page three with an odd theory.

In my teens I had decided that nobody would have "extended" the hand to get to my head.

smile, this belongs to the sphere of "never" I'd be as borders of my being.

Now they have gone the way of the domino tiles, and once you do fall, one in the chain, all fall.

Yesterday I received a message.

"I looked at the works of Friderich, I thought of you. "

addition to my grateful thanks for this existence, the curiosity, I would ask" what? ".

I have another problem in that vague period ... I speak a little irony in the last twenty-seven, this time, sometimes can not breathe.

I'll go to open the window, fumarmi a cigarette ... no, not a lung cancer, the plates showed only the scar of a healed TB now, and I'll make a coffee.

Then shower.

Today I spent eight minutes orthopaedist, a pretty girl in Cologne massacred me jumping on the left foot with the stiletto heel. I could go to get drunk not to feel the pain, such as S. suggested I do in the evenings and without offending, or I could approach the problem with ice and a few other operations that any alphaman has already done for its own account.

Knowing my love for the spirits of some sort and since tomorrow I have to leave a large amount of my current assets insurance I have to implement the second solution.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Games Of Strategy Avinash Dixit Solutions

Any Given Wednesday

Any Given Wednesday.

I do not know how else to appeal.

If every time at the end of the day tours depart phone to hear " what happened." We

survivors, yet. This too damn

Wednesday caught between walls of the Vatican has passed.

now we are still the same martyrs, we identify with a look and smile outlined under the pressure of time running.

Escorts, guides, drivers, san Pietrini (security guards of the Vatican basilica), supervisory Vatican Swiss Guards.

All stuck in the same mechanism that we see at once distant and indispensable to each other to be able to crush.

Think of a wheel, the wheel does not work if there is no pin. The wheel does not work if the missing wheel.

Choose the piece you want to be and soon you will realize that if you were not there, the mechanism would not work.

's why they sent you.

Others are not so good. Other

jam the machine, creating a hellish chaos unexpectedly.

Chaos provides an unexpected overwork on the part of all, a team disrupted.

No one wants to be disrupted.

So while the door of the Sistine Chapel shoves me, romantically speaking, in the side LEFT C., that of choosing the first half of sanctification tourism, he devoted himself to order police in the streets of one of the last of the dictators' east, ask me if I want to go out on the boat, one of these days, and I elect "second hub."

White smoke. Faster

the College of Cardinals.

proposal and election.

shrug of the hand, approval and recognition.

"Who is first?" I ask as the door sucks parts of me with the centrifugal force pushing them out, breaking his arm stuck.

"ARF" I cried my expulsion from the uterus while the sacred ends.

My guide is waiting for me with trepidation and worried look.

I want to throw up and I can to do three hours and a half later.

You must maintain a minimum level of dignity at work does not throw up (so that it sounds like the famous saying that "you do not spit into the pot where you can eat") on the work we do not get hurt (unfortunate, you also hurt you? shame!) and sometimes you eat (if you have time and do not be pretentious!).

Remember that in addition to doing what you do, you are also the "representation" that the company arrives.

Who asked you? Nobody, but never mind, do not miss these "special".

When the time is slipping away and finally you can rip off his jacket, a customer stops and stops me.

next to me.

"You and Max (driving, for the sake of clarity) worked for the same agency " he says. The

turn it look as if I had just said she saw a guy walking on water and get to the pier 25 and you find yourself thinking " that ass, so did not move the car .

" No" I reply

And she persists.

" always work together then "

course, are in contact with my guide for duty, from nine in the morning until five in the afternoon.
a bond reinforced by the practice.
Then stop.

If I had to call all those who work for my own agency, as saying .. I would have some time to lose.

" Often, not always, sometimes it happens, we've often "

" Ma .. "

The desire to throw with a liberating force, outside the pier I tried ...

to you no, you are civil beings who do not think certain things.

Now Max owes me a favor, I procured a extra work.

Last night I get a message to the phone.

The 2 and 40. clock marked the bright screen.

" write a piece of Van Gogh and one Cranach? "

job, yes ...

While sleep comes off to me like the oil from the reply to the message.

" By when? "

I curl up and awaiting response. Eight minutes

dilated in time at night.

" soon as possible."

Before you can now start to work ...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Virtual Wedding Dress


I go out for shopping.

dinner at home, organized by my dear and long-established staff.

praised me with a step, given the conditions under which twisted my car. At the supermarket I find that

N. would be the perfect embodiment of " steward."

L. reminds me that my experience makes me unable to Germanness Italian market.

L. is right because the shelves look like a tourist observes the tapestries of Raphael Museums Vatican.

suggest things impossible.

decide to be helpful, I drag myself and the truck in front of a shelf of wines.

Eighteen minutes spent staring at the bottles while my head was trying to remember or connect.

painful and embarrassing.

I held my breath several times, I felt my stomach contract.

tried wines from Australia, Africa, California ... none of this.

not for snobbery, out of habit.

Four bottles of red chosen by L. Raven, who speaks to me, but I remain as hypnosis in front of the colors of the labels.

I the end I chose a red door.

Home I was only Rum.

Now I have a bottle of Port and one of Rum.

G. and D. arrive later, directly from the dock.

During the evening, I realize that only I and L. we had not received any call from the offices to work.

We have removed from these ships. We offer the same services. We have the same years of seniority. "

L. he looked down the glass.

I can understand his state of mind, there is no anger, begins to creep in a soft resignation and a destructive indifference. It 's a process that took me in his generation, the acid has corrupted my ties, and now await only the end of the season for the extinction of the moral contract.

In L. all this is happening.

I feel like I'm pulling a survivor on a lifeboat.

explain my motives, the facts ...

I realize that sometimes this can hurt to try this "evidence", calculations and not rumors.

There is little difference between us, the grip of my salvation has come recently.

It makes no difference if I stay at home for non-service because my agency has placed others above me or if I stay at home because simply, I have not made arrangements for my absence.

not earn the same.

begin to prefer the latter.

I find more honorable confronted with my limitations than with a system bus lanes.

Maybe I can not wait to get rid of this burden and try "browsing" on my own.

In conscience I could still make a thousand speeches, but it would only repeat what has already been written and I do not know what might be worth.

You see, sometimes I is not easy to describe a situation that is very different from what you find in many other areas of work. There are grooves a situation that even though they have clear in my mind, are scarcely intelligible to those around me.

It 's normal, I think, act forces I have come to know and recognize, with time and evolution are not too slow.

While I smoked a cigarette on the balcony G. gave me a pat on the shoulder with a debuting

"As you can well man alpha "

I raised an eyebrow and rummaged in my skull hidden

" The alpha-man mean? "

" And why I said that I ? "

" G. that was my first union "

" Because it is clear that you do not understand a fucking "

" We'll talk when I meet you again in the Basilica *

"When the St. Petrine inculerà it again because you're doing casino?"

"It was a misunderstanding "

" course .. . "

worst that I have not slept could.

The first mail today read as follows:

find enclosed the manual check-in of Queen Victoria of XXXXX. (Parental work).

Please read and memorize well the system because there will be time for training that day.

pity that despite my experience you do not understand a shit of the Annex, because this is a simplified version that does not specify the steps but only the input of data.

I know this is probably difficult to understand.

I try to explain.

While recording a passenger will have to board a cruise ship, there are some required steps.

Unless they come onboard next to the captain, in that case ...

For all other mortals are no procedures.

The order of procedures is crucial to avoid mistakes.

The mistake can sometimes be irreparable and the captain can be fined by the company.

In these cases, The fine comes in dollars or in euro, and it is a couple of hundred euro.

The image of Zeus thundering could make the idea of his reaction.

that nice gentleman, dressed all in white and gold, has some responsibility.

If someone's stuck on board that undermines its responsibilities s'incazza and his wrath is upon you, and rightly so.

I guarantee you that the captain of the Queen threatens the liver.

I will not be there that fateful day, I will be in Lecco.

The second email is a price list, those that the company they work applies to a category of workers, ie those without license from tour guide, certification is not necessary for operators in the dock.

What is the difference between me on the dock and another without license, while we do the same job?

job for which the license is not required by tour guide!


I warned you that my life is like that of some people, work & work, I prepare a cup of coffee and I will dedicate to Cranach.

Jobs & Work.

* Understanding how the Vatican Basilica San Pietro.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

(sims 3) Service Initialization Failed

Bucchero to a friend

Half frozen pizza in the oven.

Half pizza, the result of a blow dry.

I learned that breaking the Christmas nougat.

I took out some walls that I used long ago, I do not like certain quirks, I just lose my pants.

Do you know ... that strange feeling of being in your underwear.

Okay, maybe not that strange feeling when I have been given only by the fact that I have the pants a bit loose ... Stop turning the knife in the wound and especially do not even think to slip the handle of that somewhere.

any party.


Yesterday I decided to go to experience a "private library" located in a town near where I currently stuck the poles of the "tent", that is where I live now.

The result was to knock on a door and find yourself in a room that seemed extrapolated from a movie. Three abundant

meters in height, the ceiling consists of a pointed arch whose ribs rest on the semi columns.

Under the arch in a table lacquered wood.

Twelve seats along each side. Four

for each short side.

shelves of books were locked in the semi-side columns. Every so often, a bucchero.

I have not had the heart to ask if they were "real."

On balance, I had only a half smile in response.

Some things do not ask for certain things there is always the same answer.

No, I have a friend who does good reproductions.

Some pieces are tourist.

Tourists are passionate about cars, one of which is exposed to the national museum Viterbo.

A magnificent piece.

you buy one you can keep your palm, as if that would make the honor. Other

buy bad imitations of vessels in bucchero.

Bucchero, clay material, seventh century BC

is maintained on a high.

The Americans are good users of " reproductions of my friend."

no coincidence that a cup is in the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology , Michigan. Together with other pieces

Romans and Greeks, of course:

" The provenance of the Kelsey Museum chalice remains uncertain. Tarquinia is conjectured, But May Be this assumption based only on the Likelihood That It Was found in a funerary context. The necropolis at Tarquinia includes many of the Most Famous and opulent Etruscan tombs; Thus, the site presents a logical possibility. "**

Thanks Kevin Dicus, write what I think.

The library, however, the economy gathered material in English, French and Italian.

Nothing could interressare when the work I have done.

Along the way back, I had time to see Inception .

particularly intrigued to see how I had dealt with the speech dreams.

My dreams usually do not tell anyone, there is one exception, of course.

There are two people who know the way I dream, one of them tried to explain what is happening and why it happens but he can not practice what they know in theory. The other person is like me. It has no strong basis of theory, but knows the rules and knows how to apply them.

And the dream changes, not because you start to dream of something else, but because you are living that dream to change according to the rules you know. Obeyed.

At the time I had explained that I had to have a conflict in which my superego, sometimes stronger than the 'Es or something.
and control over rationality. My I must have a lot of work to be performed by an intermediary. I hope that one day I did not ask to be paid for overtime, or I'll have to invent the fairy tale of the financial crisis.

I'll have to try to understand more, at the end of the interview to find out which doctor I need short, the nurse told me that he had noticed in me a strong grip. I do not know to what level, fall into me, this control and what type of control it.

not tell you anything about the film, I would not like some of you lose the surprise.

It 's a kindness that I am doing, mark it on the agenda.

But I'm going to check the refrigerator and mark in my turn, a couple of things I need to buy to look decent in the eyes of the consumer society.

The empty fridge is very fashion, but only if you live in and have a 45th floor penthouse in NY.

Simply call us to let you bring the dinner from the restaurant on the corner, which is Italian for the occasion.

For me The first restaurant is useful to more than 200 feet, worse than I cook and home delivery is after 22. In practice, you bring home breakfast.

** Extract from: "An Etruscan Bucchero Chalice in the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology," Kevin Dicus. Scholarly Publishing Office, University of Michigan Library 2007-2008.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Male Volleyball Spandex

Under construction

This morning I realized that I feel vaguely how Neo, the hero of the Matrix.

There was something to which I turned around and in the end I put down the pill.

guess many of you have seen the film (indeed a trilogy) who has not done so, and proceed as usual endeavors.

I constantly put before the eyes of those who are currently living space surrounded by my "truth."

Truth is a big word, let's say I try to give them more information.

I'm starting to collect enough of faces, some have called my philosophy just a "thought out".

Mine is not a new philosophy and there is nothing new.

Far is the same old soup.

If you really want to see things in this light, even at the time Plato had his philosophy just "thought out".

Ultimately in the Matrix problem is choice.
Everything I try to do is to understand what, from my point of view, may be different.
To each his own choice.

My point of view is still, let this be known, is changing.

Many things are in me.

For the rest, I bought two frozen pizzas (the ones that I bought in Germany), I had a washing machine of white shirts and enjoy a shower daily.

I sleep I can not be disposed of.

I am going to prepare a coffee.