Monday, December 6, 2010

Cute Funny Quotes For Save The Dates

Duties and revolts.

day long, too much for the actual hours spent.

rediscovers the relativity of time.

I wish I had the lucidity mind to take the books that I have to study and do what I need.

'll take example from Lawrie and I will.

Not far from where I would have done the service there is a bar.

I decide to take something warm to concentrate and control myself.

I repeat for fifteen minutes that I should not get angry.

I repeat for fifteen minutes more things which I will not list because they are added.

Too many people, there are a group of kids that I divide the bar chosen.

To my right there is a group of policemen in riot gear.

the left, the other kids.

Banners that I see and read with distraction.

a black glove on the ground.

"Have you dropped a glove"

Help the police to find, between them, the hapless owner of the glove. In

as he approaches a bold boy.

"Dad! Mom says do not answer the phone and call you later. "

The policeman father mutters something stuck in the padding.


The boy smiles.

The cop mutters again and look for the phone. What will you do

dad if the protest were, for whatever reason, take very different tone from those of a lost phone? How many of you

dad could find their son or daughter on the other side of the line?

The boy returns with his enthusiasm and his protest from his teammates.

at home can at best get a scolding, how about if it happens father at the hands of some other links?

I harbor my doubts in the bar and drown them in a cafe.

The hours via undermine each other and I reach a phone call.

"I am a free man!"

"As far as I knew you were a long time, unless there is something that escapes me."

"Come home, celebrate!"

the street I lose fifty euro.

L ' free man prepared lunch and bought cigarettes.

seems like a good thing, given my unexpected loss.

think that I wanted to buy a bottle of wine.

The free man has also purchased the furniture.

I do the tour of the new purchases and run to catch the train.

I lose. My luck it part

another twenty minutes later.

on the train sitting next to me a boy, Christopher Pearce in miniature.

has the haughty smile and a blue sweater with gold embroidered anchor on the right arm.

play by tapping the pen on the screen of a touchscreen.

He looks at me, while disagreeing with the snare of the cell remained attached to the card. The small

nemesis gives me a smile.

No doubt it is the work of divine justice that as all legal systems have their flaws.

Arrival at the station, the boy gives me a smile and leave back to tap on the screen. As soon as I leave the station

Aeolus freezes me with two shots of Tramontana.

At home there is no water, no hot shower.

I pulled something in the oven.

I will dedicate myself to dinner and try to convince me to read criminal before going to sleep does not cause me nightmares in which a guy in the black silk gown designed with a red dragon tries to strangle with the phone cord.


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