Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Get Rid Of Scarrs From Impetigo

The power of vision, the Prize Terna celebrates the unification of Italy

n display in Rome the winners of the third edition of rinoscimento for contemporary art. The theme that inspired the participants is "Energy through the generations"

+150) Vision: Source and Power. Energy through Generations. "This is the leitmotif
which have inspired the artists who participated in the 2003 third edition of the Terna Award for Contemporary Art, on display from today until January 14 at the Temple of Hadrian in Rome. Their works hail 2011 as the first contemporary metaphors of vision on energy
150 years of Italian history. The exhibition will be open to the public every day from 10 to 20, with free admission.

The exhibition celebrates the artists selected through , the power of vision, intuition, the ability to project themselves and others in the future, inspired both by the example of the historical vision of those who in 1861 gave rise to the Unity of Italy.

In particular, the three works by Liliana Moro, E lucevan le stelle, Riccardo Previdi, Test (Parrot), and Ciriaco + Erre, Changing is natural, are shown as intuitive and non-didactic reflection on the flag. "Or" special mention is the name of their assigned name that sums up the idea that the flag can be reviewed and may retransmit its original energy.

The other works of the winners of the third edition of the Terna Award for Contemporary Art are: for the category Terawatt, Ettore Spalletti with Torso. For category Gigawatt, Andrea Nacciarriti with Boundaries, effluvia with Francesca Grilli, Marco Fedele Catra with Untitled. For category Megawatt, Giancarlo Norese with Precarious Home, David Tranchina Big Bang # 1, Paul Meoni with residential unit of observation. Museums for the prize, Marinella Senatore, Gigawatt, and with Generation ZimmerFrei, Megawatt, with Tomorrow is the question. For the premium online, with Zhao Yiquian There, there, time.

Since its inception, the Award has raised the participation of over nine thousand creations of authors from all over Italy and abroad, confirming the main platform on the contemporary Italian culture, to discover new talent and energy of the big. The winners of the previous two editions with Terna
exhibited in Rome, New York and Shanghai.

The exhibitions have attracted more than 70 thousand visitors in the evening and welcomed the inauguration of the world's elite Italian and international institutions and businesses. Con il Premio, tutti gli artisti vincitori hanno potenziato o iniziato il proprio percorso di emersione anche attraverso la partecipazione a eventi istituzionali e artistici legati al mondo imprenditoriale. In Network Connections

"Terna Award


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