Saturday, February 26, 2011

Braums Fruit And Yogurt Swirl Nutrition


Umberto Boccioni, Materia, 1912

February 26 -5 June 2011
inauguration Feb. 25, 2011
Ark Church of San Marco, Vercelli

From 26 February to 5 June 2011 the Ark of Vercelli hosts the show from 1900 to 1961. Italian art in the Guggenheim Collection, curated by Luca Massimo Barbero.

After the trilogy dedicated to the figure of Peggy Guggenheim - which in three years has brought about 120,000 visitors in Vercelli, fully recognized the role of cities - the renewed partnership between the Piedmont Region, City of Vercelli and Peggy Guggenheim Collection Venice will see over 40 works by Italian artists loved and collected by the American patrons.

The exhibition is a tribute to Italian art of the twentieth century, with a selection of works describing the genesis, the development of research maturazionee artistic avant-garde in Italy from 1900 to 1961. The exhibition will see how the Italian art has been incorporated in the course of these sixty years, criticized the taste of American collectors and enriched by important private collections, most notably the Gianni Mattioli Collection, significant long-term loan the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice.

Symbolically, in the year of celebrations of 150 years Unification of Italy, the exhibition since 1961, the year of the centenary, with a painting by Giuseppe Capogrossi. Through the works of internationally recognized Italian artists, the exhibition traces back the history of Italian art of the twentieth century.

Among the authors show Alberto Burri, Lucio Fontana, Giorgio Morandi, Filippo De Pisis, Arturo Tosi, Amedeo Modigliani, Arnaldo Pomodoro. Particular attention is paid to the work of Mario Sironi, one of the Italian artists represented in the collection from New York, in this ark with eight jobs. The last part of the exhibition is devoted to Futurism, a movement that immediately caught the attention of collectors public and private American works of Medardo Rosso, Gaetano Previati and Adolfo Wildt, to the great names of Giacomo Balla and Umberto Boccioni.
The exhibition is organized in cooperation with production reaching Arts exhibitions and museums, which also publishes the catalog. Also a full program of initiatives to promote and support informational and educational. Among the novelties of this year, visitors will have the Ark of audioguidache free service will provide information about both the exhibition is the recently restored frescoes in the nave lateralidella former church of San Marco. The exhibition is included in the calendar of Experience Italy, a program of exhibitions and events organized in Turin and Piedmont to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy.

Ark Church of San Marco Piazza San Marco 1

hours from Monday to Friday: 9-19
Saturday and Sunday: 10 -20
(ticket office closes one hour earlier)

Infoline and booking
callcenter 199 75 7516
tel. +39 02 43353522

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tech Deck Birthday Partires

Anna Maria Borghese, Princess

Anna Maria Ferrari de Borghese, Nora Balzani, Isola del Garda, 1907

on show in Rome at the Calcografia, albums of the noblewoman, wife of political and race car driver Scipione, author of travel reportage and war

February 25, 2011 - April 6, 2011

Princess and rider, Anna Maria de Ferrari (1874-1924), wife of Scipione Borghese, diplomat and politician for having been reported that led to the success of the crew who participated, on board an Italy, Peking to Paris car to the raid of 1907, during his life picked up, he ordered eight thousand photographs and wrote almost all taken from her, with the exception of some attributed to her husband. This body, guarded by his nephew Novello Cavazza and remained unpublished until the atrium Festival 2010 ("Report / Pictures, words, stories), is now displayed in an exhibition entitled" The story of an era. Photographs from the album Princess Anna Maria Borghese, "staged at the Chalcography of Rome from February 25 to April 6 by Maria Francesca Bonetti and Mario Peliti.

These photo albums, covering the period 1898-1924, will enrich the archive of images of the twentieth century Italian National Institute for Graphics. The goal of the photographer is open to adventure trips in many countries along with her husband: among others, Russia, Turkey, Tunisia, Egypt, Persia, the ' Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, China and Japan. It focuses also on the experience of World War I, lived as a nurse directly. There are, then, images of the Avezzano earthquake of 1915 and reconstruction after the earthquake of Messina in 1908.

This is a collection of exceptional interest for the freshness, freedom and curiosity of the gaze, but also for the ease of composition of the snapshot, snapshots made with the small-format box camera, not professional, then just put marketed by Kodak. The visual story of Anna Maria Ferrari de Borghese joins the one of the most famous contemporary Francesco Chigi Primoli and Joseph and Louis, well known representatives of the Roman history of photography. His testimony, historical value and historical photographs, like that of other distinguished "amateurs", is at the limit of the amateur, to appear almost albeit unwittingly, to photojournalism.

The exhibition presents original albums and reprints. The catalog, in Italian and English, is published by Peliti Associati. In Network Connections

'National Institute for Graphics

Monday, February 21, 2011

Much My Jet Ski Worth

Are not made for these things!

Once we were talking, my father and I do not know exactly what. Maybe I wanted to impose, yet again, one of the stereotypes that is built on adolescent girls, such as "write SMS with the SMS language", "go disco", "going around in a herd with other geese to laugh about stuff like geese geese "," shopping place on top of things to be preferred as a hobby. " As I said, I do not know exactly what we were talking about, the fact is that I try to conclude (I do not like to try to impose my personality because I consider it a natural right) with a "are done so. "
And he replied: "No, you are really hurt."

The fact has already been forgiven and quickly forgotten, even if tensions continue to exist, of course. But there I was really bad.
What it means to be "hurt"? Is there a right or wrong way to come to the world, in terms of personality? Maybe it is from us, anyway?
With those words I felt unwanted, like I was a mistake. A doodle in the biography of my parents. Something to play with the whitebait to make room for another word in beautiful handwriting. This
I am writing because I have nothing to write, but it is important. I do not believe at all that we can be hurt, in any case. Even if you are born with XXY chromosomes, and for this you're pretty short-tempered: no, that's not an error. You.

I'm reading The Thousand and One Nights , and I must say that although I like matryoshka structure. I'm reading the first of four volumes total and I missed a couple of stories to preserve my sanity, but oh well. It is not bad, although there is a continuous "kiss the ground at the foot of man" and half of the women's book betrays her husband with a slave. I like the fact that there are also Ginn not only men and women, and also the fact that women are not only ornaments or Madonna as sacred in some writings of medieval Europe.
ARGH. I'm not the best person to write pages of journal. But as this address exist as personal plaything, not a document to be reliable and true.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cream Gatefold Invitation Michals

knives, please. The Challenge of 100

journal The bad is that I never know how to start writing a page. Each time is more difficult than the first time and do not understand why. ARGH!

Yesterday my best friend came to my house and made me listen to a song. Entitled "Melancholy Goodbye" and is sung by CapaRezza and Tony Hadley - the latter being the frontman of Spandau Ballet, and a voice from * * Q.
I do not want to lose the meaning of the song, about what I liked or how much truth there is in, because if I did forget what I mean, what happened before with other pages of the blog (yes ;). Suffice to say that I did not expect a song or CapaRezza I would have never liked Tony Hadley so much. And the thing is frustrating, because when my home computer and who knows in what city, in a home of HP to be changing the fan, who last week croaked in a manner so little reassuring to I fear that the contraption was about to explode ... so I can not even add it to your iPod to listen to make me hate.

Since yesterday I have decided that m'impegnerò - I will endeavor, indeed. And if I remember - not to give more biased opinions on anything. I repeat again that in many Italian music sucks, but there are the songs that I like. Maybe it will be harder against bimbiminkia, Truzzi and company due to visceral hatred, but m'impegnerò to what my conscience allows me.
E 'also why I do not want to judge too quickly, the authors of the books that I do not like. I believe that it is people who are able to evolve and improve, writers are able to offer the public something really nice to read, and maybe the public will be able to fully appreciate what it's worth, not just the current fashion .
This is not to say that definitely read the sequels of Fallen or the Book of Fate. These books are different, but the same story ... if I did not accept the setting, I will not accept the rest, however it is written. I can only give my support to what I can, hoping that a later work is better than starting.
I can not believe in people, but I'm sure want to believe in people. I'm just like: a lot of good will power, but very little in place. Please understand.