Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Major Parts Of A Ship Labled

Milano & Asian Art." Seven exhibitions in the heart of Milan

"Milano & Asian Art "is an event, is the fascinating collage of the different feel, interpret and live the common transport to the ancient Asian culture. Six locations
altrtettante for exhibitions, from Israel to Japan, looking to the Far and Near East: * Capturing

Via Pontaccio 12
Via Manzoni 37
Burgundy Street
9 * DESIGN: 80% AIR
Via San Simpliciano 6
Via Gesù 17
Via San Damiano 2

also the location of the collection

* Museo Poldi Pezzoli
Via Manzoni 12

creating "&" a group of galleries has been united to offer more: Renzo Freschi, Gracis Gallery, The Galliavola, Illulian, Helena Markus and Joseph Piva, with foreign guests Assa Ashuach Yufuku Studio and Gallery -Tokyo, enhance their individuality together in a new and purposeful whole.
& The feeling of collaboration has already proved its worth at the time of birth, last year, "Passion Japan." Now offers the public not only in Milan "Milano & Asian Art", the first Italian event dedicated to Asian art in general. E 'related to the premature celebration of New York and London, but arriving at a later date by increasing the number of participants allows positive expectations. Those who attend the event
believe in the possibility of building each year, with the effective contribution of new galleries and artists, an event linked to many aspects of art and oriental culture in order to become intrinsic to current exhibition in Milan: an annual event not to be missed.
"Milano & Asian Art" is an artistic career, including some large and complex cultures of the Asian continent, which runs through the center of Milan, their place in the cultural and institutional exhibition which recently closed the show Royal Palace dedicated to Islamic art, another aspect of the vast Asia.
"Milano & Asian Art" suggests a route as a destination for artistic excellence of the precious collection of the Museo Poldi Pezzoli. Occasion, the Museum will report the specimens of his collection of Asian art, such as weapons and armor, ceramics, objects, netsuke and carpets. (

event Milano & Asian Art
dates February 15 -5
inauguration in March 2011 Tuesday, February 15, 2011, from 15 to 21 works on display
armor, ceramics, objects, netsuke, screens, sculptures, carpets and textiles
information on individual venues
website www.milano&


Illulian Carpets - Fabrics - Interior Design
Via Manzoni, 37 - 20121 Milano tel 39 026 570 108 www .
The celestial dragon and the collective are the elements that draw thousands of years old and the Chinese empire, a color and a symbol that is also the thread that binds the rugs on display in this exhibition. The core consists of copies of the nineteenth century decorative plant with extreme sophistication that goes beyond the purely ornamental value in the precise meanings of many symbolic elements that compose it. It 's the case of complex composition, full of Taoist and Buddhist symbols combined with floral sprays of flowers, the blue carpet at the bottom (below left). Each rug has exhibited in the unfolding of the borders of the fields or in the decor of many people this rich symbolism. In the bottom right area rug is blue to symbolize the gods of the empire while the medallion and the border is repeated an elegant dragon emperor iconographic representation of the person but also beneficial to the shape of the throttle, the peony and the bat ... Not there is no reference to the figure of the empress and the main symbol of good luck in Chinese culture, the phoenix, represented in the four majestic Cantonal large rug blue field (below middle).

Assa Ashuach Studio
London SW6, UK
tel 44 (0) 2075588810
the Galleria Gracis
Via San Simpliciano, 6 - 20121 Milano tel 39
Air as a new material, as a key element in experiments that the latest Israeli artist Assa Ashuach has developed and implemented with virtual workflows. In the works of Assa everything is new: from the air as stylistic virtual objects to life, thanks to its new digital system, are "open objects" intervention creative user, each piece takes shape and life is unique. This new approach opens up many opportunities to design and promote a fresh aesthetic design, each work, as reproduced is never equal to itself. Assa show premiered in Milan and will test its new digital technology: free to use, modify or change ... Light Fly
Úpice Sofa OMI Light

Renzo Freschi Oriental Art
Via Gesù 17-20121 Milano tel 39 02794574 fax 39
A collection of figures terracotta magic with their simplicity of form, comparable to the freshness of the melodies of flutes and the grace of the dances they want to represent.
The custom of this kind of sculpture can be connected to the popularity and importance of music in ancient Chinese culture, in all provinces and for all dynasties. As in reality, are represented in whole groups of musicians accompanying the dancers, but also one and the others in single figures, sometimes in natural clay as the group at the center dating to the Han Dynasty (25-220CE) in the province of Szechuan , and go back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD) the two side groups in polychrome, as some still show traces of color. Capturing

Helena Markus Antique Japanese Screens
Via Finocchiaro Aprile, 14 - 20124 Milano tel 39 026 575 794
hm.byobu @
GalleriaYufuku - Tokyo
Annecy Aoyama 1F, 2-6-12 Minami-Aoyama, Minami-ku, Tokyo, Japan 107-0062 Tel 81-3-5411-2900
to Palazzo Crivelli - Via Pontaccio 12 - 20121 Milano
aesthetics Japanese art and life are inextricably linked to nature and its effects on the human soul, a principle which is the basis of this dual exhibition that combines painting, poetry and ceramics in a confrontoincontro between periods. Poetry is the link between the old screens and contemporary ceramics. Screens on the doors of the unroll images of a poetic nature sometimes filtered from abstraction as fans of the screen that told in the second half of the Edo Period (below left), is sometimes represented with an almost photographic perfection as hawks, most of the real true, which occur in the screen-zu Kayo painting in the early Edo period, circa 1650 (below right). On the contrary, the poetry in the ceramics is suggestion in the suggestion of the title, the charm of the subject, spell of form as in the work of Mihara Ken Genesis (below right) and Nagae Shigekazu forms in succession (in left) brought to Milan by Wahe Yufuku Gallery Aoyama in Tokyo, the most important gallery of contemporary Japanese ceramics to which the British magazine Apollo (October 2010) devoted an important space.

Giuseppe Piva Japanese art
Via San Damiano, 2 - 20122 Milano tel 39 0236564455
A review focused on the bushi, or the Japanese warrior. Works elegant and sometimes whimsical, to affirm the identity of who leads them, the exact opposite of what is happening in the Western military areas, where the "split" work to undo the single personality. Are exposed blades, helmets, spears, armor, masks and accessories for Japanese warlords, designed as an element of social status as well as war and defense. Elegant in the essentiality of form as the series of 12 arrowheads (below center) of the Edo period, but just as refined on the contrary full of minute details in the description of the Japanese army at the start of the war the inro (below left ) Lacquer of the nineteenth century. Rare and precious is the Sofukurin kabuto (below right) of the first half of the Edo Period, which is decorated with a Meade original Edo period. CHINESE EXPORT PORCELAIN

Galliavola The Oriental Art
Burgundy Street, 9 - 20122 Milano tel 39 02 76007706
The Galliavola selected, in a private collection in Milan in the '60s and '70s, a collection of porcelain of the highest level of international taste. The body of the exhibition is made up of porcelain and works of art produced between the seventeenth and eighteenth century during the Qing dynasty in the kingdoms of Chinese emperors Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong. Objects that are intended for collectors and careful refined taste, like the plate in the famille rose enamels Guangzhou Qianlong era (below center), which highlights its strong ties that bound the decorative art and nature. Often on display on the table of letters, objects speak of legends and myths, religion and symbolism as in the case of washing brushes Kangxi Period of 1662-1722 represented an image as a rock, including mobile fish, trees and pagodas (below left). Sometimes they catch a glimpse outside influences arising from international trade, such as the Lion Dog of For, or Buddhist (below right), a biscuit of the Kangxi period around 1680-90 decorated in the Chinese version of Kakiemon, the version introduced to Arita in 1660 - about 1670 following the suggestion of the Japanese model. Following the tradition of the Gallery, the exhibition will be documented in a thorough and elegant catalog.

data source: ANNA
BEARS cell phone and fax 39 0289010225 39 3356783927
anna.orsi @ @ anna.orsi www.milano&


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