Monday, February 14, 2011

Building Plans Dunk Tank

Zanelli ... again!

And here we are with a mini-update of the Ramones to which he returns (again) to peek at the house of Aurelius. And here we need to spend a few words, but I will try to be brief.
I usually play for a season in each house only that, the last time I played with the house of Aurelius I have too many pictures and I did not finish the season-_-'deluded from perfect, I wanted to play two days missing without pictures, but obviously did not succeeded. So I caught a very short update, rather bland and a lot of spam in which I tell you the last days at home and then touch all'ISBI Zanelli.

and begin with the revival of Romeo, as a good simmolo obedient, very good care of his personal hygiene, even if he has a pittance of points order.

Our Aureliuzzo, despite his age, has not lost his habits from Latin Lover;

there's nothing to do, he knows how to make an important simmola ^ _ ^

In short, it will age, but is now flirting with Kenya itself everywhere ...

... without worrying about the present and often are not very happy to attend such effusions

... and, very mysteriously, gain enthusiasm for music and dancing after losing points report ... and all without lifting a finger.

The two old men, who seem to live a second youth, not just break down ...

... and Kenya does not ring true to finally have it all for herself Aurelio.

Chimera still does not appreciate the outpouring of in-laws ...

... and decides to do-_-'

Aurelius, who is not accustomed to being beaten by a simmola, remains quite thrilled-_-'

Aurelio: "Ma .. dear child ... What happens? Why you hit me instead of jumping to the neck and claim effusions? "

Chimera: " I hate you and not the true reason nobody will ever know! Even the sum creative! "

Aurelio: "But this is impossible! Supreme creator always knows everything! "

Kenya: " Congratulations dear. You are the worthy wife of a Tricou. "

even if you hate him waving for him! Mah!

Kenya: "We have a beautiful daughter! I'm sure it will conquer the world in alliance with Oliv (i) to! "

Aurelio: " I do not understand why instead of kissing beats me ... "

Aurelio : "Sorry dear but I can not understand. What have I done? Why do you hate me? You know, usually simmole and love me so much! Modestly eh! Mica say all this to brag, but just because I do not understand ... and, between ourselves, I am sure that the sum must be quite a bit perplexed ... "

Chimera: " But I do not know! And 'when I see you flirting with me Kenya is a uncontrollable desire to beat you! But you have not lost your charm, because right after me waving to you! "

leave by Chimera with his theory of" carrot and stick "and the only concern ourselves with this simmolo home that gives me satisfaction. He, in addition to constantly treat his personal hygiene, has satisfied the first job that I happened to pull back and also at home with a promotion day.

At dusk Aurelio (think very kindly by a Supreme Creator who hates simmoli see that they do not agree) decides to call his future ex-lover Elisabeth and break all relations with her pink hearts and involving or red.

Aurelio : "Enough! It's all over between us because the sum ordered me (and I do not ever disobey the top) ...

... and then also why I got the toys, made with my hands loving you and to your nephew you have not even deserve to be called to thank me! "

Ladies and gentlemen, here is the end of a love.

After this event worthy of note, everything seems to go from good to better: Chimera, who no longer feels obliged to monitor in-law, finally finds work in career education,

I can take Romeuzzo of wandering around the house half naked * _ *

and can finally watch the first day of picchiatrice-Laws to treason!

But this was too good to be true and Chimera does not have time to go to work that is being fired.

Chimera dear, you're putting to a severe test my patience, know this!

Chimera: "I do not I can do it! ...

... all those kids screaming make me headache! ...

... Sometimes I just want to kick him one by one! "

Yes I can understand how you feel, but you must make an effort because you want to become minister of education!

And so, realizing that it is not really the case to make me angry, you are looking for new job and, fortunately, his place as overseer of the playground is still available.
All under the watchful eye of Aurelio, because there is simmolo simmole the world who understands the better of him and he understood very well that his daughter did something wrong and needs to be comforted. So ...

... played all the console! (What did you expect? O___O)

And then you take that long that spam has two purposes: to stretch a little update and make you see so many facets funny ^ _ ^

Finally, after the break with Elisabeth, Aurelio can make love in peace without the daughter tries to assassinate him.

Romeuzzo It continues to give me satisfaction

Romeo "Total Look! It's snowing! So we are going to change the season? "

is expensive, luckily the update is almost finished and I will get to play in a home much more quiet: the house ISB!

and enjoy this moment for a spammino on Romeuzzo who has not seen almost since his wife has not stopped a moment to get my attention-_-'

Here ... At this point I have a couple of questions: 1
. Why Kenya, which is expected to fly, take the car to go to work?
2. Because there is so much space in the car with you, you sit inside one another? But above all

3. Would not it be more logical position with Aurelio in Kenya and above?

But! Experience!

And you, you spend your days to sew clothes for your wife, how about to undertake more creative?

Romeo "The Sum told me to undertake more creative ... but sewing clothes is not creative enough? "

Chimera: " You know darling, I think the top with the word does not intend to create something artistic like painting, sculpture, sewing, but. .. um ... Creating simmoli "

Romeo "Ahhh! It meant that creation! "

* jingle * ^ _ ^

And we are really at the end of the upgrade. Aurelio Kenya and greet you dancing the Hula

while Chimera decided to experiment with new poses that defy the laws of gravity ^ _ ^

's proximity to the ISBI:)


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