"Onomatopoiea," the fictional island of
19 November 2010 - January 9, 2011
on display in Florence all'EX3 texts, drawings, installations and sculptures by the Scottish describes a world full of complex characters, gods and scenes: a mock company that recalls the works of Faulkner, Borges, Broodthaers
EX3, Centre for Contemporary Art in Florence opens Friday, November 19 "Onomatopoeia Part I", Charles Avery's first exhibition in a public space in Italy, in collaboration with Frac Île de France / Le Plateau in Paris, the Kunstverein Hannover. Scottish artist, born in 1973, Charles Avery lives and works in London. From 2004 he devoted himself to a single project: The Islanders.
Through texts, drawings, installations and sculptures, The Islanders describes life on an imaginary island, with its geography, its flora, its fauna. An explorer leads the viewer to discover the secrets of the island, its inhabitants and the particular laws that govern it. What
created by Avery is a complex, structured according to specific rules, where everything has its own name and its function. Onomatopoeia is the fictional city at the center of the island, the Noumenons are animals that no hunter has ever been able to capture, the archipelago of the axiom of Wittgenstein is surrounded by the Analytical.
overflowing imagination of Avery, its amazing invention, do not seem to know no limits. The creation and detailed description of a multitude of characters, deities, scenes and phenomena tend to confuse the viewer, both for their level of fiction, is perfect for their singularity. That artist is a large company, notional, in some respects characteristic reminiscent of those of illustrious predecessors such as William Faulkner, Luis Borges, or in the field of art, Marcel Broodthaers.
on display, as well as numerous works on paper, sculptures and video installations will be presented a selection of books and films from which the artist has drawn inspiration and design, The port of Onomatopoeia, more than five meters width. The grand design is the heart of the exhibition: "Utility", one of several vessels that accompany tourists and adventurers on the island, has just docked. The pier is a bustle of locals, vendors, tourists wearing the popular T-shirt with the gods and I counted They are infinite, strange animals and a thousand other shady characters. The two ports of entry, "duty" and "identity", provide an early indication of the main attraction: the eternal dialectic.
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