On the bed three telephones, three diaries, three catalogs, loose papers, three books of history, two novels, two chargers for mobile phone, notebook.
I have a large bed.
Since my return from German soil I sleep on the couch.
Luckily I had bought a comfortable sofa bed, an Ikea, you know I would have invested more, but I'm happy.
I choose it, if it was good for the guests, could go well for me.
I am a guest at the bottom.
I am a guest everywhere.
Friends, family, parents.
The suitcase in the closet. Nice to feel insecure at work, in life.
"It is as Autumn leaves on the trees. "
's why I remember it perfectly by heart despite the years.
A poem I read once and forgot about that anymore.
continue with the " direct dial telephone with her head ", any one at this point.
If you pay me become my own boss.
If the task for which I paid too hard to explain to a third party are my bosses.
If you pay me well are my "big boss .
course are available 24h/24.
S. designing his weekend Venetian Venetian when I have in mind only the shutters for windows. I would say that there is a difference.
Close the blinds and wait for the day of Judgement, they say that 2012 is the year that happens, it takes a little patience, after all.
will be the only day of the year when I have to do something important.
proposals, counter proposals, days, hours, and they all crowded crowded.
I speak E.
" See?"
" Yes "
" When? "
" Tomorrow? "
" No "
" Friday? "
" Maybe "I say while control the agenda.
Morning, afternoon, evening ...
I have to study but do not have time, I wander with Cranach's arm designing the next few months.
I can not disconnect the brain, of course, someone could suggest a remedy for Shutter Island, serious consideration.
Because nobody has done it yet? In short, the tips you need only to school to avoid a 4?
G. phoned me, she laughed for twenty minutes of my life.
were right, I do it myself.
His final comment: "I'll take treasure somewhere ... somewhere that it's worth, before you make a finaccia .
G. has a spontaneous and colorful way to analyze and especially to give back to the world, besides the fact that it has lost one of my check ... I can not get angry about this, there are a set of coincidences against which silly to point the finger.
Indicative of the latter period is the purchase partem the only book that I found interesting in a library of three levels: The city of thieves.
Too bad I had already read in English and was S. to remember.
Book, among other things, taking in plain sight.
Take my commute has provoked two reactions: the first was to bring back a large handful of years ago, the second to suspend indefinitely, where everything is charged with a message for today ... I'm sorry by the office.
I said, where everything takes on a different light.
I loved because I loved walking through Kiel Kiel how to love someone who can give us strength, heat and time to reflect. Now I find myself running, chasing something elusive, unclassifiable and prey to unexpected events. Kiel
I miss that makes you sick to your stomach.
I did not want to cry, I feel like a drunk and vomit in the snow.
E 'as if something was left of me, buried up there somewhere.
Neither do I know where.
This could be a problem.
In the meantime I'm writing, everything from the subsidiary for schools, articles, mails, text messages, left for me to write my number on the wall of the stops to Termini Station.
Well, maybe someone has already done for me.
If someone did that, did not consider the amount of tourists who have already been written on paper, then failed.
Now I'm going to rummage around the house, looking for a book that I have not read any in a foreign language.
drink of rum and I will devote to writing, Pearce & Co.
Yes, it has almost taken over,
Windward .
I feel like it's the first time I see this word.
Actually I think it's the first time I look at this word, rum helps.
Windward : Benefit for the wind that is enjoyed by those who are above than those who are below the wind. As one of the sailors who enjoys the upper hand is deemed to have a better position than others, so it is said "to have the upper hand on anyone."
are these "some" to which Pearce has taken over?
's just a rhetorical question, even if Pearce is a sailor.
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