Friday, January 14, 2011

How To Make A Pikachu Hoodie

The beauty of writing and publishing of bad

get right to the point of the matter last post.

I agree with people who write blogs like that of Knight and the Princess or the shrimp (maybe the first two are closest to the mark of the second, but the juice is to be found rotting in the library) . Readers who are we going to buy the book, we who spend our time reading it. We expect that in his free time he makes a pretty enjoyable read. Necessarily have to be both, otherwise we feel cheated. Who is the writer who has served up this crap? And 'normal and legitimate to be angry, because are our money, and buying the book we trust the author. It 's almost a betrayal.

Now, there is one thing that the writers did not understand. It says something about it even at the beginning of the book "The Adventures of Peter Pan." No, I do not speak of "authors" of their writers. The people writing in general.
When, dear writer, present your manuscript (known, as now in hand does not write any more) to the editor, declared it no longer wants to take your story for you and want to offer it to Italy ( or the world, who knows) because the population We read it and you gain something.
At that point, the book is no longer yours. Oh, sure, you're still the creator, nobody denies that, far from it ... the fact is that no longer belongs to you: is the publisher and readers. And 'their property and may want to think it is because it is their right. They can love him or hate him, and you can not do anything to stop him. If the book is beautiful, much better ... But if anyone will complain about you swallow toads served to you, since the responsibility for the dissemination of a book is your bad that you thought was beautiful, publisher who has not thought about the possible gain and nothing else.

... what are you doing? You get angry? Oh, sure, writer: negative comments, in your opinion, are by people jealous of your success, maybe other writers who have failed to please your own publisher. But no: they are players that you have provided stuff. And the least you can do is take the responsibility and commit to improve for the next book you write, if you really want to write another. You have no right to be angry and protective of you, because if the result came only evil is not your fault. Instead get a reason, accept the criticism and so make to avoid mistakes again.
If you write a book to only receive positive feedback, you only have the wrong job. There is a book that everyone likes. There is always someone ready to criticize negatively your creature, it is clear. Of course, if you do not want to receive negative comments about your book is a simple way to avoid them: Do not publish it. You can write it and read it repeatedly to take pride alone, but not publish it if you do not want to spoil the party. Content to give vent to your imagination and not to contact the editors, if you do not saddened because of the bad guys.

If you think a second is like raising a child: it is born (we had the idea for the story) e si cresce, istruendolo ed educandolo a discrezione del genitore (scriviamo la storia). Poi diventa adulto e va a vivere da solo (viene proposto all'editore). Se il figlio è capace di cavarsela da solo (viene pubblicato) va benissimo, ma non basta perchè venga accettato. Deve essere capace di stare con le altre persone (essere piacevole da leggere) e deve essere organizzato (dev'essere scritto bene). A quel punto verranno a casa del genitore a dire "oh, ma quant'è simpatico suo figlio! L'hai cresciuto davvero benissimo!" e quello potrà essere contento.
Se però il figlio non sa stare con la gente (la storia è banale, ugly, poorly constructed, inconsistent with itself, etc.). and can not even organize (the reading is heavy or structured own evil) then people will always go by the parent, but to protest, "his son is spoiled and unpleasant, you do not stand up for anything! Worse, it could not bring it up! "... And the parent? That can not repent of his method. It certainly can not try to defend his son, because maybe you will also realize what he has grown ill.

Perhaps that is why I am undecided whether to publish a book ever written by me or not. I really want people to read what I write, but there is also this fact: but if it's crap and I'm just delusional, what the hell do I think? I do not want to increase the garbage that is already in bookstores just to read my creatures. I do not want to cheat the readers as well as some authors have fooled me. I do not know what I'll think before he found the courage to take a step like this (oh, yes, I know that someday I will, unfortunately, so the oceans will take for such a focus insult ...).


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