Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tree Branches As Centerpieces

Ramones Legacy 7.5 2.0 UGLY

And here we are! (???) Finally, let's see what happens in the home of Aurelio.

Warning: lots of sugar, so much nonsense, so many Ramones, some party spammosa.

When I opened the quarter, a bit embarrassed, not knowing where to start, I went to see what conditions were in the graves in the cemetery ... and then show them to you. The pictures are worth a little thought why not post them: be merciful!

Here we can see (almost) all the tombs of the Ramones. Missing the tomb of the founder who has been lost due to a bug ç___ç then in its place is a tomb (that horrible statue shaped like a peacock -_-')

But in the cemetery there is another very interesting thing: all the graves of PSTBC 0_0
And those are really great!! To see this, you shall have an overview from

But now let's leave the dead to live and think.

Opening the lot, I intent to study mechanical Kenya: must earn the last punticino mechanics to reach the summit of the criminal career and fulfill her LTW.

Aurelio, however, is intent on building toys 0_0 (This I do not remember your !!!!) And

Like so much that shines its light!

Look how committed! From now on we will call it the magical toymaker * _ *

Finally, Romeo practice his favorite sport games.

spammosa I also have some pictures of Aurelius in the shower ... but there I avoid it because he no longer has the physique to do sexy photos and spammose appropriate ç___ç

But its a nice pajamas Fotina Gramps from there I can see ... especially to point out that he, however, to keep us Fiki-Fiki (and her room-light pink bed a heart hardened by the fikifikeggiatore amply demonstrates)

Today is the last day of school Romeo, at 18:01 will feel old and eventually becomes an adult

* applause * I do not

we will never be with those red cheeks (which he was a toddler and I always forgot to change) and those with unrealistic hair: this evening he will become a simmolo that aspires to popularity and can fikifikeggiare, reproduce and ( maybe) make us drool on the keyboard by many showers to stay clean and fragrant (this only anonymous if they deem worthy hygienists).

Another sure thing is that Romeo will never realize his LTW to have 20 great friends with animals-_-'(LTW sure why EA would be if you could save!)

always tries to Kenya earn the last point of bloody mechanics (but how long does it ???). During these long years, though she has undergone some change.

Please note that with the new waitress look murderess peers (for those who do not remember, the former maid, Lucy falls, had fikifikeggiato inognidove with Aurelio, died at PSTBC).

Kenya ha deciso che non ha più l'età per fare da zerbino al marito e, dopo aver portato più corna di un cesto di lumache ma mai quanto Dario , ha deciso che dovrò sterminare tutte le altre simmole che cercheranno di circuire il suo uomo.

Io ubbidisco perchè una che guarda la gente così non voglio contraddirla.

Romeo torna a casa con un regalino: Bella Parker. Io pensavo di averla già uccisa, ma, evidentemente, non è così ... cercherò di provvedere al più presto con un episodio della PSTBC.

However, once the liquid Romeo classmate because he has an urgent job to do: to sew the dress for his bride.

then waits for 18:00 with his father, who takes the opportunity to donate to his son his immense wisdom.

Aurelio: "Son, today is your birthday and finally by the Supreme Creator of the tyrant (who insists on not using hack) will allow you to fikifikeggiare."

Romeo: "But no! There's no hurry! I have first married and in this regard, I have already sewn the dress. I miss only his hat. "

Aurelio is * chokes *: " Hat? But what stories! You're young! You must first try! Triangles, squares, cylinders and all the geometric figures that come to mind! "

Romeo " Truly Supreme Creator told me that my destiny is to marry and have children like any sim-fan! "

Aurelio * chokes *: " Children?? But we're kidding! Already Supreme Cretrice only knows how many children will churn the degenerate daughter of Kamasutra which, despite its name and heritage, it has chosen the aspiration that there is more insipid (family NdSommaCreatrice). Do not put us too! But what I did to be denied in this way of my pixel by pixel? ...

... However, if you really want to sew a hat and get married, do it! But only after experiencing ...

... flaws taste your ice cream ...

... but be careful not to make an omelette "

Disclaimer: Supreme Creator dissociates strongly and vigorously by the ambiguous intentions and almost obscene kept his sims.

At 18:00 the guests arrive and immediately run to dance ...

... Chimera and is waving to Pauline 0_0

Chimera no! You are destined for another cluster of pixels and I forbid you to fly to St. Paul that, besides being your brother, is also the brother of your future father in law! (What a mess this family-_-'worse than sim-beautiful -_-')

AIS, of course, is not participating in the dances because dancing makes you sweat and is too tiring for someone like her!

And here we are at the moment of truth. Romeo, I recommend! Grow well!

Romeo "Supreme Creator, do not worry! I will be worthy of the best photos simmiche "


Hm! Yes, you're happy with yourself, but here it is urgent to be able to judge a make-up and a change of hair!

While Romeo and watched as Aurelio has declined to deny Kama (you will be resigned to having degenerate children) as Kenya and observes the scene with unfriendly eyes 0_0

Then Aurelio also decides to ingratiate himself with Petro.

Petronilla * thinking *: " Why this old writhes around?"

Aurelio: "I hear you have a toddler at home, so I thought of give you a bit of handmade toys * smile * "

Petro: " AH! Thank you, but do not disturb you had, so I absolutely do not care of the toddler nothing "

* RISKS fainting anyway because Aurelio is always a great bunch of pixels, regardless of age *

But let's look who is crying desperately celebrated.

Romeo, you're on the air! Please dry your eyes and be seen!

* __ *

Meanwhile, the rest of the guests attempt to dance (with the sloth that sooo hard to learn the Hula, but both she and effort anyway. Whatever you do!). ..

... while Chimera has been isolated in the kitchen and twists.

In fact, now that Romeo is an adult, she is waiting for a statement.

Clearly he runs to her and as soon as you touch, it's all a flutter of red hearts and pink:)

taken by the force of the moment (and to ensure that the party is a success, as Romeo, from its desire for popularity, it takes a lot), our neo-adult goes through and asks her to marry him Chimera

* applause here *

Needless to say, she said "yes" before he has finished asking your question.

Chimera: "Of course you have made time to grow! I was waiting moldy! "

Romeo " And I got to do! Blame the idiot that the Supreme Creator, for fear that my father die too soon, not playing with our house for two years! "

(editor's note the last update of the house of Aurelio actually dates back to February 2009! !-_-'Forgive me please! I'm ashamed lot ç_ç)

But back a moment in the living room, where there is a Kama pucciosa too because she has difficulty learning the hula, and ...


* * pauuuuuraaaa

Petronilla: "Ahiii! ... è_é ...

... TU! Snip simmola you've done a doormat to your husband all my life! How dare you goad? "

Now, I must admit that I would just like to see these two peaks. But I can not stand to have simmoli who hate. In addition, Petro already down the barrel of all simmoli even if the district does not have anything against them and dare not imagine what would happen if someone hates!! Kenya is then please excuse me-_-'

Petronilla: "Okay. But just because the Supreme Creator asked me as a personal favor. "

Meanwhile, Romeo decides to immediately examine with the hygienists anonymous (you say, has passed?) ...

... and my providential intervention, which prevented the fight, he also saved the party Romeo.

Honey, I love you always well, but please, do not you ever playing in costume or underwear because you are no longer sexy poses by a simmolo ç_ç

You, Instead, you can prepare all you want half naked!

Salad. Well, avoid carbohydrates and saturated fats.

know I'm sorry, could you explain me how did you lose weight simply by eating a salad? I would try it if your diet works!

Romeuzzo And while he goes to bed ...

... Aurelio and seems to have gotten the message ...

... we move a lot more in a moment.

Why, of course, the game does not allow me to transfer to the home of Romeo Chimera them without first leaving the campus. The girl, then dropped out of school for love and moved to an empty lot.

I did not want her picture, but she soon proves that is not an ordinary simmola. She is the only simmola that, put into a batch, instead of thinking of butterflies or birds, he began playing with the rope. 0_0

As you look at it with the new look, I take this opportunity to remind you that you have knowledge aspiration and wishes to become education minister .

back to its home of Romeo, just alert and prepared at all points, is preparing to call for Chimera fikifikeggiare propose to move in with him.

Romeo "Excuse me? What do you mean that you go with someone?? 0_0 But if you talked to my father and experimental geometry? 0__0 "

Even though I was really trying to see who would lead the Chimera, I finally decided that it was better to be alone.

Romeo And the jump on him immediately.

sorry you know! But you'd be the sweet, sickly sweet romance and family. For once I decide to have a simmolo not think that just because you have to fikifiki ruin all my plans?

Romeo "Do not worry! My father told me everything! I was not talking only of ice cream and fried! "

If he thinks that this should reassure you astray.

But ...

... congratulations to the dad who sent his son his famous kiss * _ * Aurelio

And we've spent my share of mushy moments for a long, long time!

Moreover, these situations and I am not able to make you realize, we change the point of view.

I had prepared to film the kiss between the two but, just when the fateful kiss Aurelio, Kenya decided to return from work realizing his LTW and decides to bring me the gypsy billionth lamp-_-'

It seems that Kenya has really decided to act as a stalker to her husband for the rest of life.

Romeo "Supreme Creator, for Please exit, you can close the door? "

sooo?? But you're kidding right? They are 2 years that we are all waiting to see fikifikeggiare and you think that I would lose this time? Deluded!
The only thing you can do is to pretend that I'm actually out and have effectively closed the door.

And so the more sugar simmoli fikifikeggiano of my legacy, shake hand * _ * ...

... and fall asleep entwined.

(Please note the meravigliosissime blankets made by the twins * _ * [info] natsumi82 )

fikifiki Since the examination has been largely superseded by both, Chimera can move and prepare for the wedding.

For Aurelio should not be just the thing down. He is still convinced that the child should experience ...

... but his personal stalker knows how to distract him ... Not for nothing has spent his life to observe it!

A simmolo to marry! He, after a fikifiki noteworthy, prepares you for the pancakes!

Aurelio: "You know my daughter, I officially have a God of Rock, but really, in secret, are the God of Fiki-Fiki"

Chimera: "But what secret and secret! The whole world knows you're a livejournalistico fikifikeggiatore hardened "

0_0 Chimera! Okay you're excited, but so to express your emotion in the face of your future father in law is not well!

Ramones All these together can mean only one thing: the wedding day. Note the presence

Elisabeth, being the mother of the bride, could not be invited.

Chimera While welcoming the guests, performing in Romeo "until the boat goes ... Let it go ... "-_-'

The last stragglers. I did not remember that Pandora had a formal dress that leaves so little to the imagination! 0_0 ...

... and do not even remember that Berenice had food poisoning!

Poor puppy ç_ç

Before getting to the heart of marriage (and leave then the space spam) I'll note that Petro and Pandora are friends practically forever.

Petronilla loves Pandora.

But we can! That marriage of my most anticipated (?!?) Legacy begin!

* applause here, thank *

As the guests start all in the garden (which is overrun by weeds, but I want you so good you'll pretend not to see) ...

... AIS sits in the living room and begins to play the console.

You will lose the marriage-_-'

Aurelius, in shock, is the first to take place. It has a horrible dress formally and I wonder why? As I have done two years ago to put that dress? He had no other? E Romeo, who sewed the wedding dress, she could not even sew a father to the groom?

Instead, the heir to the main house has a beautiful dress and is appropriate for the occasion pucciosissima * _ *

Kama, the second to sit down after Aurelio, his dreams of marriage * _ *

Chimera: "But what the hell they put us to sit down? They want me to wait another 2 years under the arch? "

Pandora is radiant. It will be useless because her husband was not invited?

And Pauline Pauline is always even if it's time that changed his hairstyle: P

Petronilla: "What sunshine we have today! I would have liked to go to sea if I had not had to participate in this marriage, stupid! "

Forget Petro and notice how Kenya is still standing because I did not put enough chairs -_-'

short, it all went wrong!

Nevertheless, the couple exchanged rings ...

... and this is the reaction of Aurelio!

The Kiss of the spouses ...

... General and applause.

And look how elegant and graceful when Petro cheers! It seems like a simmola nice and kind!

consuocere The two, who would kill if they could make the best of a bad situation.

The cutting of the cake him to lose almost everything because ...

... Meanwhile, there was this episode 0____0

And I really was afraid to hear a huge "SDEEENNGGGG" But nothing! Aurelio obviously is not at all jealous!

Then, cut the cake there will be this beautiful picture of Chimera that smashed the pie in the face Romeo ...

... and he is too pretty in this picture * _ *

AIS, finally breaks away from the game ...

... just in time to take a slice of cake.

Guests eat, some in the kitchen ...

... other in the garden because, again, I forgot the sun-_-'

As in any self-respecting party, Pauline feels an overwhelming need to sdocciarsi.

And we thank him for this * _ *

Romeo decided to provide another demonstration of his amatory arts in Chimera.

And it is so good that she smashed her hair in the pot of spaghetti. At this point, I think Romeo must surely be the King of kisser because I do not know about you, but to me it would take well over a kiss to make me put my hair clean and well groomed in a plate full of spaghetti sauce and meatballs!

At the end of the festival is the time for our newlyweds to seek employment to earn their bread. Also because, in spite of luxury furniture, is not that these navigable in gold!

So, Romeo is working in intelligence. Chimera while there is still nothing of interest.

wedding night!

is OK! Not technically is the night of his wedding, but he argues that a wedding night, whoever it may be, should always be honored 8)

try again: wedding night ^___^

Sorry! I know what you are doing?

Romeo "How can you understand? ...

... are in a shower! And I have a wrench in my hand! "

Hm! Yeah, OK, I get it! However, besides being wrong in the shower, you are also dress! You still have some way to go to replace simmolo your father as the wrench! And then I do not know if I want you to take his place è_é

Since, as I said before, Romeuzzo never realize his LTW and since I have a collection of lamps stratospheric magic, I decided that he deserves to make a wish ... and this is the reason why the pet has a curious expression pucciosissima * _ *

Romeo reflects the intensely because you have so many possibilities, including two who try to do in a particular way: to achieve peace mental (and hence platinum mood lifetime) and another that you will find a mini-bonus at the end of episode.

So, after thinking a lot, Romeo chooses peace of mind (which was the purpose with which I had sent to rub the lamp ... not lose sight of the primary objectives, please!)

Aurelio Kenya and now no longer know how to take the time to chat and spend quiet evenings.

Kenya: "Lately I've been having problems ... I can not see well enough to close. Maybe I should go to the eye. "

Aurelio: "Are you serious?? But are the old who become presbyopic!! You can not 0___0 I get a fever just thinking about it I have a wife 0___0 old "

Kenya: " But honey, you do not quard that is that six of the first youth eh! And then there's nothing wrong with being old! Soon we will have many grandchildren and we do a lot of parties! "

the series: how to be a heart attack to Aurelius, edited by Kenya Zanelli 0___0

And on this beautiful evening between the two old guys we stop.

Before leaving, however, a small mini-bonus (really mini eh!) Or: Why

Romeo was so indecisive in front of the genie?

This thing that I do not remember if any, why you should go and peek the first episodes of the Ramones, but Kenya is the teenager with the hat that can resurrect the Tricou!

For a moment I was really trying to resurrect the old man (aka JT © [info] justka002 ) then I thought " JT there is one and everyone else I know 'no "(even if it is passed away), so if you want to know him better, you go read the wonderful Legacy Fine!

Tricou So Romeo is a (hopefully I did not reserve surprises!)

And with the puppy home that he grew up and greets you with winking ...

I greet you and tell you next time!


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